Thursday, 21 February 2013

Quand j’étais petite...

So I have to say that I got my inspiration for this post from a French video on youtube, made by a French comedian called Cyprien. Basically he talks about what he used to believe in when he was a child. I thought why not doing the same, but in a written version? So to start with:

1. When I was little I used to think that when you pee in public swimming pool, the water around you would change colour. Ridiculous I know, but I guess I'm still sort of afraid that it might be actually true

2. When I was little my great-grandma used to tell me that if I sang or talked too much during lunchtime I'd have stupid children.

I was a very lively child and really loved singing, and I used to talk way too much so I guess she just wanted a peaceful moment ;p  un/fortunately (for some people) the talking stayed this way until the adulthood ;) 

3. When I was little I used to think children grew on cabbage fields and when they were ready the stork would drop them from the sky into theirs parents arms. 

4. When I was little I used to spend a lot of time at my grandma's from my mum's side. Sometimes, when I had troubles sleeping, I used to be scared to death by looking through the window as I believed that there was a witch sitting on the roof of the opposite building. I used to be utterly scared that she would fly to my grandma's flat and kidnap me.

5. When I was little I used to think that if you ate apple pips, the apple tree would grow in your stomach... So I always avoided them until I accidentaly ate one and discovered that it wasn't true at all :)

6. When I was little I used to think a lot why some things were named the way they were and not differently. I know too much thinking ;p

And as a bonus - little pic of little Patty ;) Enjoy ;p

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

'Au revoir'

I've been back in France for almost two weeks now. Soon to find out that my bank account was closed and a cleaning lady wanted to pay a visit to my room as she thought I had already moved out.. What a stupid country.. On the contrary I came back to people who make my stay in France a truly amazing experience. They never disappoint :) Missing my lovely Marina though who I couldn't even say goodbye to, but I'll hopefully see her very, very soon :) From Saturday we're short of another awesome member of our 'Chocolat groupe', Francesca. I truly hate goodbyes... You promise yourself you won't cry, but you always do. You smile and cry alternately. The kisses and hugs are not sad at all. The worst part of farewells is the thought that you might never see this person again, and it's heart-breaking. I hope we will all continue to keep in touch after finishing our Erasmus year. We even made a contact list for marriage invitations hahah. I guess I'm never going to get married, but still everyone can come for my baby cat's christening, baby shower or whatever lol ;p The most important thing is not to lose contact and visit each other as often as possible, and I hope we'll never stop doing that :)

Getting off the topic I've got a week off at the moment and to my luck I had to get ill. I'm so scatty that I forgot to take cold/flu medicines from back home and I knew perfectly well that I was going to get ill very easily. So I've been spending almost 4 days not being able to leave my bed, coughing like and old lady, sneezing like an allergic person, and using tons of tissues to blow my nose with. Horrible times but fortunately I'm feeling better today and hopefully I'll be able to leave my room tomorrow and do some food shopping and finally buy a BICYCLE :D yes, a bicycle so I'll meet my beautiful Jean-Pierre, fall in love and then get run by a truck lol :D hopefully without the truck at the end ;p haha

Plus I wanted to do something productive like going to the theatre, but to my luck, there's no shows until the beginning of March... Why, oh why? I still have the Museum of Fine Arts left which I might finally pay a visit to as I've been trying to get there since September but always had better things to do. Hopefully it's worth a visit :)

Time to head back to 'Sex and the City' :)

Bonne soirée ;)

Saturday, 2 February 2013


So few days ago I've started wondering about friendship. Everyone claims that they have 'friends' but honestly how many of these friends are the real, trustworthy ones? I began to wonder whether I've ever had ones like that and to be honest it's extremely hard to assess. You think you have them and can truly rely on them but then the worst part comes, the part of letting down either from your or your friend's side. Like with any relationship, letting down the other person might be destructive although it might make the friendship stronger than it has ever been before. But let's be honest, how often does it really happen? Especially nowadays? Almost never... Once you let someone down, you can try to re-build everything but it's like with re-building a ruined house that's about to fall into pieces. You try, you put your time and engagement into it but the end is inevitable. Unfortunately... but perhaps not? Who'd like to live in a ruined house?

The point is that I'm not sure if I actually have 'real' friends. There are people that I'd love to call that but I guess I'm too afraid of truly believing that real friendship exists. I've been let down few times and I've let down few times myself too. I'm afraid of screwing things up again, that's why I try to maintain a distance. Not a huge one. Just the one that'll let me step back if there's a need to, so I won't hurt or get hurt by anyone.

People can be cruel and hurtful even without knowing that themselves. Is it friendship when you're afraid of telling the other person about your true feelings, beliefs or likes? Or when you're afraid to be laughed at or criticised about the choices you've made? Sure friendship doesn't mean being insincere or double-faced, but you have to be a bit supportive. Even though you don't agree with your friends' choices, you can still express your opinions and doubts, no matter what they are. I just don't think that criticising and mocking is the right approach, but that's only my personal opinion.

Jealousy.. another problem. The kind of friendship I praise is devoid of jealousy. That's the worst ever factor in any relationship. It might kill everything.. absolutely everything. It's so unhealthy and always leads to problems and arguments.

I think I've sort of gone off the topic but still I do believe that finding a real, falsehood-free and loyal friend is a challenge. It doesn't happen very often. And if we do find one we should treat her/him like she/he was as precious as a diamond. Let's just hope they'd treat us the same way ;)

Best wishes guys!

'Les hommes ont oublié cette vérité, dit le renard. Mais tu ne dois pas l’oublier. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé'.
("Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.")

Antoine de Saint-Exupery  "Le Petit Prince"