Friday, 14 September 2012

Who are you?

I was planning on writing about something so banal and silly and then *boom*, surfing through the Internet I found a short video on youtube. The video presented people from the age of 1 up to the age of 100 and was meant to show how body changes in our lifetime. Then I read the comments and by accident found a video which supposedly was an inspiration for the first one. It was called 'Talking Heads' and was realized by a very well-known Polish director, Krzystof Kieślowski. The short documentary also presented people from the age of 0 up to the age of 100, but it had a slightly different agenda, and was directed in 1979 when Poland was still a communist country. Kieślowski asked three questions: Who are you? What are your dreams? What's the important thing for you? Three seemingly banal questions, and yet so hard to answer. The thing that astonished me the most were the answers and the way in which people talked. They used such a distinguished language, no swearing which is so common in modern times, no slang, their answers were so eloquent. Even the children had richer vocabulary than today's 20-30 years old people.

So what has changed? In comparison with people who lived in the times of communism, we have more freedom now, and yet it seems like we are more enslaved by the democracy, media and the schemes of answering, living and what's most important thinking. We cannot think freely, even though there's no war, no one is trying to force us to relinquish our culture, nation. We don't have to face the difficulties that our ancestors had to face, and yet we're still enslaved by the schemes of thinking, the stereotypes and prejudices. Being asked Kieślowski's questions, most of us would appear so selfish and egoistic in their answers. Today we want money, expensive cars, clothes, good health and love. Ahh and nice holidays. We don't care about most the things that are happening in the world, as soon as they don't concern us or our families.
Sometimes it's just us we're concern most about.

Why did we become so self-concerned nowadays? Why it is so hard for us to open our eyes to other things than just ourselves? It's not painful and doesn't cost anything...

So returning to the three questions, I decided that I am going to answer them myself.

Who are you?

I'm a person like everyone else. Maybe a bit too egoistic sometimes, but there are some matters when you have to be egoistic. I'm a type of person who seeks attention and needs to be around people almost all the time. Friends are really important to me, although I don't devote them us much time as I wish I did. I get attached to things and people too easily. In the concern of people it very often ends up bad for me, but one always learns from its mistakes.

What are your dreams?

I have too many dreams. Most of them are never going to come true but  if no one asks me to pay for them, I will still be dreaming. I would love to see people living peacefully with each other and most important to be tolerant. It's always better to get to know a person first, its notions, beliefs and then judge them. I'm not saying I'm totally free of judgments and prejudices about people, it happens to everyone, but the world would be a nicer place to live if we could at least try.

What's the most important thing for you?

At the moment, to graduate from university with highest grades possible and find a job in which I would feel appreciated and fulfilled.
In general, being able to live in a world without limits. Being free and always ready for new possibilities.
Fully living my life.

Here you go, links for the videos:

Krzysztof Kieślowski 'Talking Heads'



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